Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why I'm Here/"Passing Through"

Why I'm Here

I've always been passionate about film, both American and foreign, though I particularly enjoy Asian cinema. As an American-born Asian of half-Chinese and half-Vietnamese descent with an interest in Japanese and Korean cultures, it follows that Asian-American history is very much relevant to my interests, as well. (But I have plenty of non-Asian interests, too!!)

"Passing Through" Film Response

Though Nathan Adolfson went to Korea to find out about his past, I wasn't expecting the reunion to actually happen. Nathan was from Minnesota which isn't exactly a hotspot for Asian Americans, let alone Asians, as is California which was the scene for "Bubblehead." It made his identity struggle that much more palpable, though, because he was so different in appearance. Even after meeting his biological family, though, he said his "true family" is still the Adolfsons. Although his Asian heritage greatly influenced him, he grew up with the Adolfsons so he identifies more as an American. The scene when Nathan talks about his girlfriend's family stood out for me because the picture shows the girl and her family horseback riding. Just as one would do with horses, they were evaluating him and objecting to his inadequate bloodline. Despite his blood ties, he has no emotional roots in Korea, he "didn't recognize it at all, it was just another Korean city." This ties in with the title and how he feels as if he is just "passing through," in life, never truly feeling as though he fits in with either family.

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