Friday, February 4, 2011

Picture Brides

This was truly a piece of work (In a good way). It not only tackles coming-of-age, but sets it in a historical era that is very specific. I was not even aware that they shipped in brides to Hawaii until watching this film.

Now, about the film itself:

At the very start I wasn't drawn in, mainly because I couldn't relate to the characters situation. However, with each passing minute the film got more interesting. I was really drawn in when we stopped watching it on Wednesday and couldn't wait to find out what happened next. After all, the acting is fine. I thought the character of Kana played her part extremely well. The lead character was a bit tougher to assess. At certain times I thought she was holding back but all in all still very masterful.

However, I strongly feel that the one scene where Kana appears as a ghost killed the seriousness as well as impact of the film as I couldn't take it seriously anymore. I think the makers should have found another way to produce the same effect.

Other than that flaw, I felt that I definitely got a feel for what the picture brides' life was like.

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